Then at the top bar click File and then Get Info (Command+I also works) 3. Follow step-by-step instructions to make changes. I prefer plain text size at 16 and paragraph spacing at 1. The default text is too small for me, and the 1.15 spacing is a bit wider for me. This was my biggest problem with Google Docs.
On the New Document tab, select Plain Text in the Format section. How to change the default font type, size, and space in Google Docs documents.

In my case I have been already using Sublime for some longer time with previous releases and also with previous MacOS releases. System Tools downloads - Typelight by CR8 Software Solutions Ltd. There are those who prefer vi, vim, others. In my case it says it's com.sublimetext.4 (depends on the version of the sublime you have installed.) As almost everything in Linux there are always divided opinions, the terminal text editors are no exception. I've checked the CFBundleIdentifier inside of the /Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/ist Select your program of choice, in this case it’s. Click about 2/3 rds of the way down where it says OPEN WITH 4. In the top bar at the very top of you mac screen, click FILE and then GET INFO. Left Click your file (in the video we’re using a. Table of Contents Best Mac Text Editors you should use 1. So I had previous sublime entries inside of it and I think that were the confusion was coming from. How do you change the default text editor 1. To help you in this process, here are our picks for the best Mac text editors. I think it's due to mixed entries in ~/Library/Preferences//.plist

Select Use systems default editor for text files from the Default. Select File editing from the menu on the left. I had the same problem on Big Sur 11.6.1 - Intel In the main menu, click on Edit > Settings.